Mittwoch, 28. September 2011

Change Your Thoughts and Boost Your Income?

Before you can have true financial abundance, you need to have faith in abundance. According to the "Law of Attraction," your bank account is a reflection of your belief system. When you believe in lack you will experience lack -- and when you believe in abundance you will be abundant. Your beliefs inform your energy and your energy attracts its likeness -- so if you want to boost your bank account, you must first activate your faith account.
Follow these three simple steps to recalibrate your money mindset, shift your energy and restore your bank account:
Check your thoughts. The first step toward recalibrating your abundant mentality is to clean up your thoughts. Become conscious of the stories you tell yourself about your finances. What negative thoughts are you replaying in your mind? For instance, are you telling yourself, "I'll never get out of debt" or "I can't ask for more money in a recession"? These types of thoughts are limiting and uncreative. I challenge you to take an honest inventory of your negative thought patterns. Make a list of the fear-based money thoughts you've been replaying in your mind. What have been the consequences of those thoughts?
Get creative. The only way to successfully think your way out of negative thought patterns is to open up to creative possibilities. Commit to a positive thought about your finances that you can truly get behind. The key here is to believe in the new affirmation, even if it feels unfamiliar at first. If you're not sure where to begin, try "I welcome creative ways of making money" or "I am open to new avenues of income." Actively thinking (and saying out loud) affirmations like these will open up your creative capacity and shift your energy to support your faith in abundance.
Take abundantly aligned ACTION. This final step is about taking action with your new abundant mindset. It's one thing to think your way out of negativity, but it's another thing entirely to act your way out. I encourage you to take action with your new thought forms. Practice using your new affirmation before you go into a sales meeting or before you meet with your boss. When you connect to your high-level thoughts before you take action, the outcome will be miraculous. Remember: The outside world reflects your internal condition. Therefore, be mindful of what you're thinking before you take action. For the next month, take one daily action that is backed by your abundant mentality. Even if it feels uncomfortable at first, embrace that funky feeling as a sign you're moving forward -- and act anyway. Add up these actions and pay attention to the shifts. One shift at a time will guide you to believe in your abundance.
When your positive, creative thoughts back up your actions, you cultivate an energy of abundance. This energy is what will support your faith -- and boost your finances!  click here

Gabrielle Bernstein

PEXAN Marketing
Hanspeter Herzig

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